Dover TAP: traffic support system in Dover

In April 2015 traffic support system was introduced in Dover. Its main purpose is to manage port traffic, so it does not cause disruptions for Dover’s residents and helps to reduce air pollution in the area.

Dover TAP: traffic support system in Dover

The port of Dover. Source: Wikimedia Commons / CC BY-SA 2.0

The procedure is known as Dover TAP (Dover Traffic Access Protocol) is used in traffic peak hours and introduces following rules:

  • Speed limit is 40 mph and refers to all vehicles approaching the port of Dover from the west via the A20 road.
  • Truck drivers heading for the port of Dover shall remain in the left lane of the A20, from the Roundhill Tunnel to the port.

Vehicles that overtake or join the queue midway and vehicles driving to the port in the right lane will be turned back by the police. Vehicles which destination in other than the port may use right lane of the A20.

At peak times, when the port is full, lorries will be held by traffic lights at the entry to the port of Dover, until space becomes available.

When the Dover TAP is in place, lay-bys in the area will be closed, as well as the coast-bound on-slip at the Courtwood junction.

Drivers risk being prosecuted if they exceed the 40 mph speed limit or rubbish is thrown out onto the carriageway. It is allowed to use horns.


[, Highways England]

