Smaller replacement vessel on DFDS route Dunkirk – Rosslare

Smaller replacement vessel on DFDS route Dunkirk – Rosslare

Ferry Côte d'Albâtre. Source: @ Raimond Spekking / CC BY-SA 4.0 (via Wikimedia Commons)

The Cote D’Albatre will take up service on our Dunkirk – Rosslare route on 27th of February at 05:00 for a 4-week period. This replacement is due to the planned maintenance dry docking of The Athena Seaways.

DFDS advises that The Cote D ‘Albert will be unable to accept any hazardous cargo.  In addition, the ferry operator will be unable to accommodate any requests for units to ‘RUN ON DIESEL’.

This vessel is much smaller than The Athena Seaways so therefore less deck space available. Unfortunately, during this time DFDS may be unable to accept bookings on the departure date you require.

[DFDS Seaways Ireland]
